Mobile and Desktop Apps

Downloading Mobile Apps

Currently, our mobile apps are available in beta from both Google Play and Apple Testflight. Please click the appropriate icon below to sign up for the beta program for iOS and/or Android:


Please see this page on how to use the mobile apps.

Desktop App

SkedPal 3 is a web app but you can use Chrome browser utilities to convert it to a desktop app. You will NOT need to set Chrome as your default browser but you will need to download Chrome in case you don’t have it installed already.

Method 1: Create a Chrome shortcut. 

  1. Using Chrome, go to
  2. From the Chrome browser menu, select More tools->Create shortcut …
  3. A popup opens. Click on ‘Open as window’ and ensure it’s checked.
  4. Click on the ‘Create’ button. A new desktop app is now created and opened. You can either minimize it or close it for now.
  5.  Using Chrome, enter this in the URL:  chrome://apps
  6. You’ll find the SkedPal list there. Now, you can use right-click (context menu) and select ‘Create shortcuts‘ to add the app to your desktop or start menu.

Method 2: Use webcatalog desktop app for SkedPal:

Method 3: (macOS only): Another third-party tool to create a desktop on macOS:

Method 4:  Another third-party tool to create a desktop on Windows, macOS, and Linux:

Method 5:  Safari Web Apps (macOS Sonoma+ only) :

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