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Change Log

Version 3.8.139

Mar 26, 2024

  • Dark Mode for all pages of the app is now available in the Themes section of the Settings

Version 3.8.123

Jan 17, 2024

New Calendar Design

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Overall Style and Visual Design

  • Overall improvements: We’ve made overall improvements in the visual design and aesthetics of the calendar.
  • Checkboxes next to titles. One functional improvement is that you can directly mark a task complete on the calendar, be it a time-block or a bundled task.
  • Drag & drop effect – Drag & drop effects are now improved so you can see exactly where you’re dropping your time blocks.
  • Dark Mode. And, based on popular demand, the dark mode is introduced for the calendar. This currently only works for the calendar and the Outline or other parts are yet to wait for the dark mode.

Command Center & Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Right pane keyboard shortcuts – For those keyboard oriented users, we have added numerous keyboard shortcuts. Type ‘?’ and the right pane shows the full list of all keyboard shortcuts. 
  • For example, CMD+K (or CTRL+K in Windows) opens the Command menu. This is a handy tool to look for navigation commands or other functionalities.


  • Zooming. For the first time, we have introduced zooming in on a part of the calendar. So, all you have to do is to draw a box around the time you want to zoom in! This can be greatly handy when you have a dense section of the calendar and you want to zoom in to see it more clearly. Then, you can simply zoom out by clicking on the zoom out icon.
  • Density adjustment. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to adjust the hour density of the calendar.
  • day navigation. Navigating is now easier as you can either go just one day forward or backward. Or a whole week. In addition, you can use keyboard shortcuts or the command menu to view the calendar in 1,2.. to 14 days
  • Jumping to a certain date is very easy now using the command menu. Just type Goto and then type the date you want to jump to. You can also type the weekday.

Time Maps

  • Show Time Maps as sidebar: Here is a great new feature. Now, you can see your Time Map hours on the calendar. All you have to do is to select the Time Map name from the drop down menu, and bang! The Time Maps hours are now shown as vertical bars on the sideline next to your tasks and events. If you hover the mouse over the sidebar, it’ll show the Time Map name.
  • Edit Time Maps: And, guess what! You can even edit the Time Map hours right here on the calendar. This makes it super easy to amend the Time Maps right on the calendar.
  • New Exclusive Hour Pen Color (black). Now, there is this new powerful black pen added to the Time Maps. This is available both in the Time Map editor in the settings as well as here in the calendar. The black pen lets you draw hours exclusive to this Time Map. In other words, only tasks using this Time Map can use the black hours.
  • Preferred Times. Now, are you ready to hear about the next amazing features on Time Maps? Now, you can set a Time Map just for a single task without the hassle of going through master list and creating a new Time Map. All you have to do is to right click on a task in the calendar, and then select ‘Set preferred times..’. This will let you draw your preferred times for this specific task. This Time Map is only used for this task. The black color is also included here.
  • Top-level Time Maps. There is more to the new Time Maps features. Now, you can set a Time Map to be a ‘Top priority’ Time Map. This way, any task in this Time Map is always first to grab the hours marked in this Time Map. This overrides the prioritization. The difference between a top-priority Time Map and the exclusive hours in a Time Map is that in exclusive hours, if there aren’t enough tasks to fill the hours, the time is still not given to any other task. And, it may end up being unused by any task. But, the top priority Time Map lets you schedule the tasks in the Time Map as high priority and if there is still time available in the Time Map, other tasks can take it.

Search & Filter

  • Search & Right Pane Result list. Searching for scheduled tasks on the calendar is now much easier. The right pane lists the search result and clicking on each search result will navigate the calendar and highlight the scheduled tasks. Notice that everything else is dimmed to bring the specific task you’re looking for to the spot light.
  • Now, powerful filter options are available to filter your calendar based on project or Outline section, whether the task is time blocked or bundled, Time Maps, Zones, and Tags.
  • Here is another awesome feature: Now, you can link your Outline and the calendar much easier. Call this awesome Outline filter using keyboard shortcuts, and then search for a section or project or even a task, and then filter your calendar to see only related tasks.

Synced Calendars

  • Now, you’ll have an option how you want to see your events synced from Google, Office 365, or iCloud calendars. If you hide a calendar, the synced events will only appear as an empty box making it less bold and removing the clutter if you like.


  • Quickly switch between customized views: Now with so many viewing options like the number of days to display, the filters, the hiding option for synced calendars, calendar density, color options, etc., you want to have an option to save your viewing options; right? Well, now you can save these options! And, you can have multiple views with different viewing options. So, once you save a view, you can quickly switch between views.
  • As an example, I have my ‘Today’ view that focuses on Today with a fairly good zoom in on the hours so I can clearly see the details. My next week is a filtered week view of all tasks in a specific zone. You can get really creative and create your own calendar views so to enable you to quickly switch views.
  • Filters, Time Maps, Synced Calendars, No of days

Bundle Items

  • Ability to drag & drop: Another major improvement in this new calendar design is how you manage bundled tasks. Not only can you now mark them complete right on the main view of the calendar, now you can also drag & drop bundle items.
  • You can either drag an item out of the bundle and give it its own time block. Or, you can drop it on other bundled parents.

Buffer Time

  • Here is another useful new feature that has been introduced. Remember the invisible buffer times on your calendar? Well, they’re no longer invisible! You can see them with this special shade.

Version 3.7.113

Sep 12, 2023

  • Various small bug fixes & improvements

Version 3.7.86

Nov 24, 2022

  • The calendar-event-as-Time-Map now must have the exact Time Map name. Previously, similar names were also used for matching.
  • A bug related to pinning bundle parent events on the calendar is fixed
  • A bug related to recurring bundle parent with ‘container’ property is fixed

Version 3.7.85

Nov 23, 2022

  • Sync your exclusive bundle with your Time-Block calendar. If you have set up your time-blocked tasks to sync with a different calendar, you’ll now be able to include your exclusive bundles. You’ll see the option in the task (exclusive bundle) detail box.
  • Event-as-Time-Map will no longer appear on the SkedPal calendar. If an event in your external calendar is meant to add green hours to your Time Map, it will no longer appear in your SkedPal calendar.
  • NLP improvements: Try “by today 5pm“, “today 5pm“, “before Monday
  • Time Entry for Partial Complete now supports HHMM format
  • Other Bug Fixes

Version 3.7.84

Nov 20, 2022

  • Line Menu: When hovering over a line in the Outline, you’ll see the line menu has moved to the left side.
  • Opening Task Detail: A new button (show details) appears when hovering over the line. This button replaces the arrow that showed to the far right of the line.
  • Left Pane Collapse: A new button at the top of the left pane allows you to close the left pane.
  • New Dependency types: Right before, Right after, and During. These new dependency types allow you to schedule a task right before, after, or during a fixed event on your calendar. When the calendar event moves, these tasks will automatically reschedule. Learn more.
  • Using Calendar Events to Amend Time Maps:  If you include a Time Map name in an event title inside brackets, SkedPal assumes this is NOT your busy time. Instead, this is going to be an additional availability in the mentioned Time Map! Learn more.
  • Exclusive Bundles: A new type of scheduling is added to the task detail that allows you schedule similar tasks together. Before this feature, a bundle could include tasks from anywhere. Now, you’ll be able to define exclusive bundles that include only related tasks. Learn more.
  • Duplicates & Dependencies: If you duplicate a nested list (e.g. a project template), the dependencies set within the nested list will now properly duplicate. Previously, the dependencies stayed within the original lines.
  • All-around improvements: The overall performance of the app is improved and various issues especially in NLP have been fixed.

Watch this video for some “advanced usage” of some of these new features:

Time Blocking, A Comprehensive Guide

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